Men’s Girardian Study Group on Marriage

Rene Girard offers a perspective on marriage that seems to go unnoticed. In the wider culture there are discussions of marriage with a myriad of diagnoses, labels for issues and, most difficult of all, labels for people. Men are acutely, if subconsciously aware that once a behavior is labeled a person is a hair’s breadth away from being labeled. A person with a label in any culture is usually beyond redemption. We will sidestep this entire trend as much as possible and examine root causes and behaviors that are impediments to peace in a marriage with as few labels as possible in the hope of finding healing for men in Christ. Forging Ploughshares’ focus on peace, a healing, communal image of God and salvation, and the work of Rene Girard provide, we believe, a robust foundation for exploring this vital issue together in a confidential forum. We have a few privately written resources drawing on the theological currents in our work that we will share, and we will together decide on resources (books, articles, podcasts) to look at.

In this 4 part series beginning in July (day and time to be determined) Forging Ploughshares will host a men’s reading and discussion group examining peace in marriage and the impediments we bring to peace, we will examine the following areas: the false self, desire, impediments to peace through the brokenness of desire in marriage, and some thoughts on reorienting desire through Jesus. We hope that the men’s group will provide a safe, confidential way to explore together. There is no charge for the group, and all materials will be provided in the class.

Email Paul Axton at to sign up or make inquiries.

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Author: Paul Axton

Paul V. Axton spent 30 years in higher education teaching theology, philosophy, and Bible. Paul’s Ph.D. work and book bring together biblical and psychoanalytic understandings of peace and the blog, podcast, and PBI are shaped by this emphasis.

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